9 Mar 2013


Watching MTV late at night, I got to know the story of Notorious B.I.G. through one of those documentaries on artists' lives.

On March 9th, the United States received the news of the murder of Notorious B.I.G. MTV showed some footage of people grieving on the streets the loss of the rapper who rose to become a huge icon. At some point, someone played 'Hypnotize' and that feeling disappeared. People were shouting and dancing to the lyrics of the song.

We know that artists such as Biggie are remembered as mystical icons after they die, especially in unexpected circumstances. With him it wasn't only because of that. He left an important legacy to rap music and hip hop in a time when these genres were particularly popular.

'Hypnotize' tells his story and the story of that legacy.


Num daqueles documentários transmitidos a altas horas pela MTV, vi imagens do dia em que se soube da morte de Notorious B.I.G.

9 de Março, 1997. Nas ruas, os americanos choravam a perda de uma figura querida que marcou a década. A certa altura, ouviu-se 'Hypnotize' e o sentimento de perda deu lugar à euforia.

Sabemos que estas personalidades ganham uma aura e misticismo enormes quando morrem inesperadamente. Mas o Notorious B.I.G. ficou para a história como mais que uma estrela que se perdeu. Marcou uma década, uma atitude, e fez parte do período maior que o rap e o hip hop já viveram.

'Hypnotize' é o hino dessa história.